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Seznam cheatů
K zadání jednoduše odscrolluj na "Extra Content", podrž pravou páčku nebo stiskni R1 a objeví se klávesnice.
Menší poškozování - 548975
Použitíá menší PSI síly - 456456
Všechny síly - 456456
Neomezení munice - 978945
Žádná hlava - 987978
Arcade mód - 05051979
Coop mód - 07041979
Survival mód - 7734206
Dark mód - 465486
Training Nick - 564689
Urban Nick - 484646
Wasteland Nick - 975466
Stealth Nick - 456498
Sara - 135488
Psi Sara - 468799
Suicide Sara - 678999
Barrett - 497878
Training Barret1 - 196001
Training Barret2 - 196002
Training Barret3 - 196003
Training Barret4 - 196004
Training Barret5 - 196005
Training Barret6 - 196006
Wei LuL - 231324
Dragon Wei Lu - 978789
Tranquility WeiLu - 654654
General - 459797
Clown General - 431644
Marlena - 489788
Tonya - 136876
Fetish Pyro - 231644
Bikini Pyro - 135454
Saranae - 65496873
Jov - 468987
MP1 - 321646
MP2 - 698799
MP3 - 654659
Jack - 698798
Soldier - 365498
Burned Soldier - 454566
Labcoat - 998789
Dock Worker - 364654
Komiko - 978798
Scorpion - 546546
Pitfall - 05120926
PanicRoom - 76635766
Up And Over - 020615
Stop Lights - 945678
Gasoline - 9442662
Bottomless Pit - 154897
TK Alley - 090702
Gear Gauntlet - 154684
Tip The Buddha - 428584
Psi Pool - 565485
Aura Pool - 659785
Bouncy Bouncy - 568789
Gnomotron - 456878