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Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories

Špeciálne karty:

Zadávaj nasledujúce kódy pre odomknutie špeciálnych kariet pre nákup:

71625222 - Time Wizard

28933734 - Mask Of Darkness

54652250 - Man-Eater Bug

07089711 - Hane-Hane

90357090 - Silver Fang

55763552 - Dragon Piper

95956346 - Shining Angel

64501875 - Hibikime

54098121 - Mysterious Puppeteer

91152256 - Celtic Guardian

01184620 - Kojikocy

50930991 - Neo The Magic Swordsman

87796900 - Winged Dragon

05053103 - Battle Ox

87564352 - Blackland Fire Dragon

97590747 - La Jinn

67724379 - Koumori Dragon

28279543 - Curse of Dragon

60862676 - Flame Cerebrus

70781052 - Summoned Skull

74677422 - Red-Eyes Black Dragon

06368038 - Gaia the Fierce Knight

89631139 - Blue-Eyes White Dragon

05758500 - Soul Release

04031928 - Change of Heart

19159413 - De-Spell

82764718 - Monster Reborn

80168720 - Darkness Approaches

56830749 - Share the Pain

55144522 - Pot of Greed

18591904 - Final Destiny

53129443 - Dark Hole

41142615 - The Cheerful Coffin

99597615 - Malevolent Nuzzler

50152549 - Paralyzing Potion

98495314 - Sword of Deep-Seated

37120512 - Sword of Dark Destruction

04614116 - Dark Energy

50913601 - Mountain

24068492 - Just Desserts

88279736 - Robbin' Goblin

80604091 - Ultimate Offering

30113682 - Judge Man

45231177 - Flame Swordsman

71625222 - Time Wizard

13723605 - Man-eating Treasure chest

63308047 - Terra the Terrable

76446915 - Disk Magician

89631139 - Blue-eyes white dragon

76812113 - Harpie lady

55998462 - Metal fish 1600/1900

65570596 - Red Archery girl 1400/1500

87796900 - Winged Dragon 1400/1200

6981563  - Giant Turtle 1400/1800

38199696 - Red medicine

46986414 - Dark Magician

063680308 - Gaia The Feirce Kniht

28279543 - Curse Of Dragon

70781052 - Summoned Skull

51482758 - Remove Trap

68005187 - Soul Exchange

72892473 - Card Destrution

13429800 - Great White

04031928 - Change Of Heart

9159718  - Book Of Secret Arts

37120512 - Sword Of Dark Destuction

15025844 - Mystical Elf

83764718 - Monster Reborn

50045299 - Dragon Capture Jar

99785935 - Magnet Warrior Alpha

22046459 - Megamorph

76446915 - Dark Magician

87796900 - Winged Dragon Guardian Of The Fortress

33396948 - Exodia Head

08124921 - Exodia Right leg

44519536 - Exodia Left leg

07902349 - Exodia Left arm

70902349 - Exodia Right arm

                           (zaslal Tomáš Perlecky - tomkomaster@freemail.hu)

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