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The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion
K této hře bylo nalezeno více záznamů:
The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion - cheat

Chyba ve hře:

V úvodu hry po prvním napadení krále budete nějakou dobu procházet sami různými jeskyněmi. Po chvíli se s ním opět setkáváte a pokračujete dál. V tomto úseku na krále ještě několikrát zaútočí. Pokud ale půjdete hodně napřed, vojáci s králem zůstanou zaseklí a budou čekat až se přiblížíte. To samé budou dělat i vrazi napadající krále. Čili můžete jít dopředu a vrahy zabít sami. Vtip je v tom, že se nebudou bránit, dokud se král nepřiblíží. Takže je jednoduše zbijte a oberte je o jejich vybavení. A třeba se v něčem trochu pocvičíte.

(poslal Ševčík Jakub)

Cheaty :

Stiskni [~] během hry a zobrazí se konzole. Do ní pište následujících cheaty:

tgm    - nesmrtelnost

tcl    - létání

unlock - klikněte na předmět, nebo dveře a napište, odemknou se

lock x - zamčení předmětu na požadovanou úroveň (1 - 100)

kill   - zabití věci, kterou máte vybranou kliknutím myši

help   - zobrazí se nápověda (seznam příkazů)

(poslal Josefík Petr)

Stiskni [~] během hry a zobrazí se okno pro cheaty. Pak napište některý z následujících cheatů:

modpcs [skill], [number]     - přidá dané body na specifikovanou dovednost

modpca [attribute], [number] - přidá dané body na specifikovanou vlastnost


modpcs blade, 10 - zvýší dovednost s mečem o 10 bodů

modpca strength, 10 - zvýši sílu o 10 bodů

(poslal Studynka Martin)


Imperial - Je dobře stavěný na těžkou zbroj, umí obchodovat (mercantile) a dobře mluvit s lidmi (speechcraft). Je to spíše diplomat, ale když si ho dáte na boj, tak bojuje.


Khajiit - je to dobrý akrobat a dobrý zloděj. Vidí ve tmě a umí seslat kouzlo

na zahnání nepřátel.


Nord - bojovník, dobře zachází s mečem (blade) a sekerou či kladivem (blunt). Je dobře odolný vůči zimě a může seslat kouzlo, které zraní nepřítele za 50 životů ledem.

Argonian - dobrý na plížení (sneak) a otvíraní zámků (security). Je odolný vůči otravě a umí dýchat pod vodou.

Redguard - bojovník dobrý na vše co je z blízka, může seslat kouzlo na dočasné zvýšení atributů.

Breton - kouzelnický typ, dobrý na vyvolávací (summoning) a léčivou (healing) magii.

Wood Elf - dobrý na plížení, je nejlepší ze všech ras na luk.

Orc - ork je dobrý válečník, má menší sílu než Nord a Redguard, ale je o něco lepší na boj. Může seslat kouzlo Berseker Rage, které dočasně posílí jeho atributy.

Dark Elf - dobrý na luk, či meč a je odolný vůči ohni, taky je dobrý na zničující (destruction) magii a umí seslat ducha ochránce.

High Elf - nejlepší na magii, začíná na vysoké úrovni, něco přes 200. Má sníženou odolnost vůči ohni (fire), chladu (frost) a elektřině (lighting).


- Dobré je zajít do arény v Imperial city, dobře se tam dá vydělat.

- Můžete také chodit po světě a nalézat Varla Stone, těmi můžete buďto dobíjet  magické předměty, nebo je prodávat, tak za 460 zlatých (dva zápasy v aréně    za Warriora).

- Na začátku až vám dá hra tutoriál plížení, si můžete naplížit za tím          goblinem klidně až do 25. úrovně. Jde mimochodem i víc, ale je to na dlouho.

- Jak se opět setkáte s Emperorem, tak na konci, jak je ta past se dveřmi       zabarikádovanými z druhé strany, nato bojujete proti Daedrám, můžete si       zlepšit, tedy když s nimi bojujete dlouho, některé z vašich skilů, například  blade, blunt, marksman, heavy armor, light armor, hand to hand.

- Můžete se též přidat k gildě Válečníků, Mágů nebo Zlodějů. Existuje také      Temné Bratrstvo, ve kterém vraždíte lidi, anebo nejen lidi. Dále tu máme      vymítače Wampírů (upírů), tak si ze začátku sbírejte ten prášek, když         zabijete Wampíra. Dají vám za to 250 zlatých.

Rasy a jejich atributy :

RASA     Hel Mag Fat Str Int Wil Ag Spe End Per Luck

Imperial  80  80 140  40  40  30  30  40 40  50  50

Khajiit   60  80 150  40  40  30  50  40 30  40  50

Nord     100  60 170  50  30  30  40  40 50  30  50

Orc      100  60 180  45  30  50  35  30 50  30  50

Redguard 100  60 180  45  30  50  35  30 50  30  50

WoodElf   80  80 150  30  40  30  50  50 40  30  50

Argonian  60  80 150  40  40  30  50  50 30  30  50

Breton    60 150 150  40  50  50  30  30 30  40  50

Dark Elf  80  80 150  40  40  30  40  50 40  30  50

High Elf  80 200 150  30  50  40  40  30 40  40  50

(poslal Klika Karel)

Cheaty : Lektvary :

Zmáčkněte ~ a pište (potvrďte vždy klávesou [Enter] a za číslo vložte vždy

počet - např. player.additem 98460 5) : Player.additem :

a    - Lockpick

b    - Skeleton Key

c    - Repair Hammer

f    - Gold

5599 - Mysterium Xarxes (Questová kniha) 98460 - Strong poison of Sickness

98461 - Weak poison of Feeblemind

98462 - Strong poison of Feeblemind

98463 - Weak poison of Catastrophe

98464 - Strong poison of Catastrophe

98465 - Weak poison of Separation

98466 - Strong poison of Separation

98467 - Weak poison of Repulsion

98468 - Strong poison of Repulsion

98469 - Weak poison of Apathy

9846a - Strong poison of Apathy

9846b - Weak poison of Frailty

9846c - Strong poison of Frailty

9846d - Weak potion of Feather

9846e - Strong potion of Feather

9846f - Weak potion of Fire Shield

98470 - Strong potion of Fire Shield

98471 - Potion of Agility

98472 - Potion of Endurance

98473 - Potion of Fatigue

98474 - Potion of Healt

98475 - Potion of Intelligence

98476 - Potion of Luck

98477 - Potion of Magicka

98478 - Potion of Personality

98479 - Potion of Speed

9847a - Potion of Strength

9847b - Weak potion of Frost Shield

9847c - Strong potion of Frost Shield

9847d - Weak potion of Invisibility

9847e - Strong potion of Invisibility

9847f - Weak potion of Light

98480 - Strong potion of Light

98481 - Weak potion of Nighteye

98482 - Strong potion of Nighteye

98483 - Weak potion of Paralysis

98484 - Strong potion of Paralysis

98485 - Weak potion of Reflection

98486 - Strong potion of Reflection

98487 - Weak potion of Resistance

98488 - Strong potion of Resistance

98489 - Strong potion of Insulation

9848a - Weak potion of Insulation

9848b - Weak potion of Warmth

9848c - Strong potion of Warmth

9848d - Weak potion of Disbelief

9848e - Strong potion of Disbelief

9848f - Weak potion of Antivenom

98490 - Strong potion of Antivenom

98491 - Weak potion of Grounding

98492 - Strong potion of Grounding

98493 - Potion of Grace

98494 - Potion of Fortitude

98495 - Potion of Respite

98496 - Potion of Healing

98497 - Potion of Insight

98498 - Potion of Fortune

98499 - Potion of Sorcery

9849a - Potion of Charisma

9849b - Potion of Alacrity

9849c - Potion of Might

9849d - Weak potion of Silence

9849e - Strong potion of Silence

9849f - Weak potion of Absorption

984a0 - Strong potion of Absorption

984a3 - Potion of The Sea

984a4 - Potion of Seastride

984a5 - Poison of Burden

984a6 - Potion of Detect Life

984a7 - Weak potion of Dispel

984a8 - Strong potion of Dispel

984a9 - Weak poison of Fumbling

984aa - Strong poison of Fumbling

984ab - Weak poison of Debilitation

984ac - Strong poison of Debilitation

984ad - Weak poison of Weariness

984ae - Strong poison of Weariness

984af - Weak poison of Sickness

9300 - Potion of Light

9301 - Potion of Nighteye

9302 - Potion of Paralysis

9303 - Potion of Reflection

9304 - Potion of Resistance

9305 - Potion of Insulation

9306 - Potion of Warmth

9307 - Potion of Disbelief

9308 - Potion of Antivenom

9309 - Potion of Grounding

930a - Weak potion of Grace

930b - Strong potion of Grace

930c - Weak potion of Fortitude

930d - Strong potion of Fortitude

930e - Weak potion of Respite

930f - Strong potion of Respite

9310 - Weak potion of Healing

9311 - Strong potion of Healing

9312 - Weak potion of Insight

9313 - Strong potion of Insight

9314 - Weak potion of Fortune

9315 - Strong potion of Fortune

9316  - Weak potion of Charisma

9317  - Strong potion of Charisma

9318  - Weak potion of Alacrity

9319  - Strong potion of Alacrity

931a  - Weak potion of Sorcery

931b  - Strong potion of Sorcery

931c  - Weak potion of Might

931d  - Strong potion of Might

9320  - Poison of Silence

9321  - Potion of Absorption

(poslal Klika Karel)

Zadejte player.setlevel ## a váš level se změní na zadané číslo.

(poslal Diviš Václav)

Další cheaty :

Cheaty se zadávají do konzole [~] :

tfc             - volný pohyb kamery

qqq             - okamžitě ukončí hru

coc testinghall - teleportuje do testovací místnosti, kde se nacházejí                          všechny věci, npc-čka a příšery z Oblivionu.

coc toddtest    - teleportuje na testovací pláně

(před zadáním následujících cheatů je třeba vyvolat konzoli a kliknout na cílovou postavu. Potom je  možné zadat cheat) :

resurect                   - oživí cílovou postavu

CreateFullActorCopy        -  udělá kompletní kopii cílové postavy (i s                                     věcmi, kouzly a atribúty)

Player.CreateFullActorCopy - udělá kompletní kopii vašeho hráče

SetActorFullName "XXX"     - nastaví jméno kopie na XXX

DeleteFullActorCopy        - vymaže kopii postavy [za předpokladu, že to byla                               kopie ;)]

RemoveAllItems             - odstraní (odloží na zem) všechny věci cílové                                  postavy

Player.RemoveAllItems      - odstraní (odloží na zem) všechny věci vaší                                    postavy

Killall                    - zabije všehny u vás

StopCombat                 - zastaví útok cílové postavy

(poslal Michael Chomo "lord_of_fate")

Více peněz :

player.additem 0000000F XX - zvýšení množství peněz o XX zlaťáků

(XX = 0 až libovolné číslo)

Zvyšování attributes (vlastností) :

modpca Intelligence XX - zvýší vlastnost Intelligence (Inteligence) o XX bodů

modpca Willpower XX    - zvýší vlastnost Willpower (Síla vůle) o XX bodů

modpca Personality XX  - zvýší vlastnost Personality (Charisma) o XX bodů

modpca Agility XX      - zvýší vlastnost Agility (Obratnost) o XX bodů

modpca Speed XX        - zvýší vlastnost Speed (Rychlost) o XX bodů

modpca Strength XX     - zvýší vlastnost Strength (Síla) o XX bodů

modpca Endurance XX    – zvýší vlastnost Endurance (Odolnost) o XX bodů

Zvyšování skills (odborností, dovedností) :

modpcs block XX        - zvýší Block (Obrana) o XX bodů

modpcs armorer XX      - zvýší Armorer (Zbrojířství) o XX bodů

modpcs heavyarmor XX   - zvýší Heavy Armor (Těžká zbroj) o XX bodů

modpcs blunt XX        - zvýší Blunt (Drtivé zbraně) o XX bodů

modpcs blade XX        - zvýší Blade (Čepele) o XX bodů

modpcs handtohand XX   - zvýší Hand to Hand (Boj beze zbraně) o XX bodů

modpcs athletics XX    - zvýší Athletics (zdatnost) o XX bodů

modpcs lightarmor XX   - zvýší Light Armor (Lehké brnění) o XX bodů

modpcs security XX     - zvýší Security (Odemykání) o XX bodů

modpcs sneak XX        - zvýší Sneak (Plížení) o XX bodů

modpcs acrobatics XX   - zvýší Acrobatics (Akrobacie) o XX bodů

modpcs marksman XX     - zvýší Marksman (Lukostřelba) o XX bodů

modpcs mercantile XX   - zvýší Mercantile (Obchodování) o XX bodů

modpcs speechcraft XX - zvýší Speechcraft (Řečnictví) o XX bodů

modpcs destruction XX  - zvýší Destruction (Ničení) o XX bodů

modpcs alteration XX   - zvýší Alteration (Proměny) o XX bodů

modpcs illusion XX     - zvýší Illusion (Iluze) o XX bodů

modpcs conjuration XX  - zvýší Conjuration (Vyvolávání) o XX bodů

modpcs mysticism XX   - zvýší Mysticism (Mysticismus) o XX bodů

modpcs restoration XX - zvýší Restoration (Obnova) o XX bodů

modpcs alchemy XX      - zvýší Alchemy (Alchymie) o XX bodů

(poslal Richmond)

Tipy :

Tento software je velmi propracovanou grafickou záležitostí a na starších grafických čipech ji nelze rozchodit, takže je nutné mít kartu podporující minimálně DirectX 8.0. Avšak i v této situaci se bude hra až neskutečně

trhat, neboť je určena pro grafické karty plně podporující DirectX 9.0 a vyšší.

Ve hře je chyba - když se díváte na mapu a rozlišení obrazu je nižší než 800 x 600, tak na mapě nejsou cesty a někreré podrobnosti. Stačí jen zlepšit

rozlišení. Když zmáčknete [Q], tak vám postava poběží sama a nemusíte držet


Když ukradnete koně nebo oberete císařského vojáka, tak pokud vás na koni nebo ve vojákově zbroji spatří jiný voják, tak budete muset zaplatit pokutu, popř. jít do vězení.

(poslal Mlázovský Vladimír)

Cheaty :

kill         - zabití zaměřené věci/tvora

help          - vyvolá seznam příkazů (nápovědu)

CompleteQuest - dokončí aktuální úkol

AdvLevel      - zvýší level postavy

AdvSkill      - zvýší úroveň skillu

psb           - všechna kouzla

modpcs [skill], [počet]       - přidá danému skillu daný počet bodů

modpca [vlastnost], [počet]   - přidá dané vlastnosti daný počet bodů

player.additem [kód předmětu] - vytvoří zadaný předmět (seznam kódů je ke

stažení zde : http://oblivion.ghry.cz/ke-stazeni/ostatni/kody_predmetu.txt)

(poslal Hubený Ondra)

Kódy na věci, zbraně armory :

1) Věci :

000229A6 LowerShirt01 Blacksmith's Apron

000229A7 LowerPants01 Blacksmith's Pants

000229A8 LowerShoes01 Rough Leather Shoes

000229AA LowerShirt02 Dark Green Shirt

000229AB LowerPants02 Laced Leather Pants

000229AC LowerShoes02 Stitched Leather Shoes

000229AD MiddleShirt01 Brown Shirt

000229AE MiddlePants01 Light Brown Linens

000229AF MiddleShoes01 Pigskin Shoes

000229B0 UpperShirt01 Green Brocade Doublet

000229B1 UpperPants01 Green Silk Garment

000229B2 UpperShoes01 Green Velvet Shoes

0000552C EnchClothingRobeShieldGrand Aegis Robe

0000552D EnchClothingPantsFortifyMagicka Fortify Magicka Pants

00005530 EnchClothingShirtlShield Vest of Warding

00005519 EnchClothingRobeShieldPetty Robe of Deflection

0000551C EnchClothingRobeShieldLesser Robe of Warding

00005527 EnchClothingRobeShieldCommon Robe of Protection

00005529 EnchClothingRobeShieldGreater Robe of Defense

00048981 EnchClothingPantsAcrobatics Acrobatics Pants

00048982 EnchClothingShirtlLightArmor Light Armor Vest

00048983 EnchClothingShirtMarksman Marksman Quilted Doublet

00048984 EnchClothingShirtMerchantile Mercantile Black Outfit

00048985 EnchClothingShirtSecurity Security Russet Felt Shirt

00048986 EnchClothingShoesSneak Sneak Blue Suede Shoes

00048987 EnchClothingShirtSpeechcraft Speechcraft Green Brocade Doublet

00048989 EnchClothingShirtResistDisease Resist Disease Burgundy Linen Shirt

0004898A EnchClothingPantsResistFire Resist Fire Burgundy Linens

0004898B EnchClothingShirtResistNormalWeapons Resist Normal Weapons Qu.Dou.

0004898C EnchClothingShirtResistPoison Resist Poison Blue & Green Outfit

0004898F EnchClothingShoesWaterwalking Waterwalking Gold Trimmed Shoes

00048990 EnchClothingRobeChameleon Lesser Chameleon Robe

00048991 EnchClothingShoesFeather Feather Shoes

00048992 EnchClothingPantsFortifyFatigue Fortify Fatigue Pants

000CA121 UniqueClothingHoodDruid Cowl of the Druid

000CA122 UniqueClothingShirtArtisan Apron of the Master Artisan

000CA123 UniqueClothingShirtBard Vest of the Bard

000CA124 UniqueClothingHoodSeer Veil of the Seer

000CA125 UniqueClothingPantsSilverTongues Imperial Breeches

000CA126 UniqueRingTransmuter Ring of Transmutation

000CA127 UniqueClothingRobeCreativity Robe of Creativity

000CA128 UniqueRingWortcraft Ring of Wortcraft

000CA129 UniqueClothingHoodGatherer Mantle of the Woodsman

000CA12A UniqueRingUnseen Spectre Ring

000CA12B UniqueClothingBootsAthlete Nistor's Boots

000CA12C UniqueClothingHoodDiplomat Councilor's Hood

00098417 EnchRingResistDiseaseJadeTopaz Ring of Fortitude

00098418 EnchRingResistDiseaseJadeRuby Grand Ring of Fortitude

00098419 EnchRingResistFireBrass Base Ring of Firewalking

0009841A EnchRingResistFireBrassPearl Ring of Firewalking

0009841B EnchRingResistFireBrassTopaz Grand Ring of Firewalking

0009841C EnchRingResistFrostSilver Base Ring of the North

0009841D EnchRingResistFrostSilverRuby Ring of the North

0009841E EnchRingResistFrostSilverSapphire Grand Ring of the North

0009841F EnchRingResistMagickaEbony Base Ring of Nihilism

00098420 EnchRingResistMagickaEbonyEmerald Ring of Nihilism

00098421 EnchRingResistMagickaEbonyDiamond Grand Ring of Nihilism

00098422 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGold Base Ring of Steelskin

00098423 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGoldSapphire Ring of Steelskin

00098424 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGoldEmerald Grand Ring of Steelskin

00098425 EnchRingResistParalysisJadeSapphire Base Ring of Freedom

00098426 EnchRingResistParalysisSilverSapphire Ring of Freedom

00098427 EnchRingResistParalysisGoldSapphire Grand Ring of Freedom

00098428 EnchRingResistPoisonSilverEmerald Base Ring of the Viper

00098429 EnchRingResistPoisonGoldEmerald Ring of the Viper

0009842A EnchRingResistPoisonEbonyEmerald Grand Ring of the Viper

0009842B EnchRingResistShockCopper Base Ring of Storms

0009842C EnchRingResistShockCopperPearl Ring of Storms

0009842D EnchRingResistShockCopperTopaz Grand Ring of Storms

00098437 EnchRingShieldCopper Base Ring of Aegis

00098438 EnchRingShieldCopperPearl Ring of Aegis

00098439 EnchRingShieldCopperTopaz Grand Ring of Aegis

0009843A EnchRingShockShieldCopper Base Ring of Shock Shield

0009843B EnchRingShockShieldCopperPearl Ring of Shock Shield

0009843C EnchRingShockShieldCopperTopaz Grand Ring of Shock Shield

0009843D EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionCopper Base Amulet of Absorption

0009843E EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionSilver Amulet of Absorption

0009843F EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionJeweled Grand Amulet of Absorption

00098440 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingCopper Base Necklace of the Sea

00098441 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingSilver Grand Necklace of the Sea

00098442 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingJeweled Necklace of the Sea

00098443 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingBronze Base Necklace of Seawalking

00098444 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingJade Necklace of Seawalking

00098445 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingGold Grand Necklace of Seawalking

00098446 EnchRingofPerfection Ring of Perfection

00098447 EnchRingofStamina Ring of Stamina

00098448 EnchRingofWar Ring of War

00098449 EnchRingofTreachery Ring of Treachery

0009844A EnchRingofWizardry Ring of Wizardry

0009844B EnchRingMundane Mundane Ring

0009844C EnchRingFlame Flame Ring

0009844D EnchRingFrost Frost Ring

0009844E EnchRingStorm Storm Ring

0009844F EnchRingofVitality Ring of Vitality

00098450 EnchRingElemental Elemental Ring

00098452 EnchNecklaceofSwords Necklace of Swords

00098453 EnchAmuletofAxes Amulet of Axes

00098454 EnchRingSorcerers Sorcerer's Ring

00098455 EnchRingofThieves Ring of Thieves

00098456 EnchRingofSkimming Ring of Skimming

00098457 EnchAcrobatsAmulet Acrobat's Amulet

00098458 EnchRingoftheIronFist Ring of the Iron Fist

0009845B EnchAmuletReflectSpellJade Amulet of Reflection

0009845C EnchAmuletReflectSpellGold Grand Amulet of Reflection

0009845D EnchRingResistDiseaseJade Base Ring of Fortitude

2) Zbraně :

0003E9C2 DremoraMace Dremora Mace

0003E9C3 DremoraLongSword Dremora Longsword

0003E9C4 DremoraClaymore Dremora Claymore

0003CCFE EnchEbonyClaymoreTempest Tempest

0003CCFF EnchDwarvenBattleAxeHazards Axe of Hazards

0003CD01 EnchElvenClaymoreImmolator Immolator

0003CD02 EnchGlassShortswordWounding Sword of Wounding

0003CD04 EnchElvenBowDragonsBow Dragon's Bow

0003CD05 EnchGlassClaymoreBoreal Boreal

0003CD06 EnchElvenBowBlizzard Blizzard Bow

0003CD07 EnchSilverWarAxeGhost Ghost Axe

0003CD08 EnchElvenBowStorm Storm Bow

0003D7B7 EnchDwarvenDaggerDisWeapon Dagger of Fragments

0003D7B8 EnchDwarvenClaymoreDisWeapon Claymore of Fragments

0003D7B9 EnchDwarvenLongSwordDisWeapon Longsword of Fragments

0003D7BA EnchDwarvenShortSwordDisWeapon Shortsword of Fragments

0003D7BB EnchElvenClaymoreDisWeapon Claymore of Brittleness

0003D7BC EnchElvenDaggerDisWeapon Dagger of Brittleness

0003D7BD EnchElvenLongSwordDisWeapon Long Sword of Brittleness

0003D7BE EnchElvenShortswordDisWeapon Shortsword of Brittleness

0003D7BF EnchGlassClaymoreDisWeapon Claymore of Fracturing

0003D7C0 EnchGlassDaggerDisWeapon Dagger of Fracturing

0003D7C1 EnchGlassLongswordDisWeapon Longsword of Fracturing

0003D7C2 EnchGlassShortswordDisWeaponm Shortsword of Fracturing

0003D7C3 EnchEbonyClaymoreDisWeapon Claymore of Shattering

0003D7C4 EnchEbonyDaggerDisWeapon Dagger of Shattering

0003D7C5 EnchEbonyLongswordDisWeapon Longsword of Shattering

0003D7C6 EnchEbonyShortswordDisWeapon Shortsword of Shattering

0003D7C7 EnchDaedricClaymoreDisWeapon Claymore of Disintegration

0003D7C8 EnchDaedricDaggerDisWeapon Dagger of Disintegration

0003D7C9 EnchDaedricLongswordDisWeapon Longsword of Disintegration

0003D7CA EnchDaedricShortswordDisWeapon Shortsword of Disintegration

0003D7CB EnchSilverBattleAxeDispel Battle Axe of Dispel

0003D7CC EnchSilverClaymoreDispel Claymore of Dispel

0003D7CD EnchSilverDaggerDispel Dagger of Dispel

0003D7CE EnchSilverLongswordDispel Longsword of Dispel

0003D7CF EnchSilverMaceDispel Mace of Dispel

0003D7D0 EnchSilverShortswordDispel Shortsword of Dispel

0003D7D1 EnchSilverWarAxeDispel War Axe of Dispel

0003D7D2 EnchSilverWarhammerDispel Warhammer of Dispel

0003D7D3 EnchSteelBattleAxeDraEndurance Battle Axe of Diminishing

0003D7D4 EnchSteelDaggerDraIntelligence Dagger of Diminishing

0003D7D5 EnchSteelLongswordDraAgility Longsword of Diminishing

0003D7D6 EnchSteelMaceDraWillpower Mace of Diminishing

0003D7D7 EnchSteelShortswordDraSpeed Shortsword of Diminishing

0003D7D8 EnchSteelWarAxeDraLuck War Axe of Diminishing

0003D7D9 EnchSteelWarhammerDraStrength Warhammer of Diminishing

0003D7DA EnchIronClaymoreDraFatigue Claymore of Weariness

0003D7DB EnchIronDaggerDraFatigue Dagger of Weariness

0003D7DC EnchIronLongswordDraFatigue Longsword of Weariness

0003D7DD EnchIronShortswordDraFatigue Shortsword of Weariness

0003D7DE EnchDwarvenClaymoreDraHealth Claymore of Pain

0003D7DF EnchDwarvenDaggerDraHealth Dagger of Pain

0003D7E0 EnchDwarvenLongSwordDraHealth Longsword of Pain

0003D7E1 EnchDwarvenShortSwordDraHealth Shortsword of Pain

0003D7E2 EnchSilverBattleAxeDraMagicka Battle Axe of Sapping

0003D7E3 EnchSilverClaymoreDraMagicka Claymore of Sapping

0003D7E4 EnchSilverDaggerDraMagicka Dagger of Sapping

0003D7E5 EnchSilverLongswordDraMagicka Longsword of Sapping

0003D7E6 EnchSilverMaceDraMagicka Mace of Sapping

0003D7E7 EnchSilverShortswordDraMagicka Shortsword of Sapping

0003D7E8 EnchElvenClaymoreDraMagicka Claymore of Depletion

0003D7E9 EnchElvenDaggerDraMagicka Dagger of Depletion

0003D7EA EnchElvenLongSwordDraMagicka Long Sword of Depletion

0003D7EB EnchElvenShortswordDraMagicka Shortsword of Depletion

0003DAE7 EnchIronBattleAxeEmber Battle Axe of Embers

0003DAE9 EnchIronBowEmber Bow of Embers

0003DAEA EnchIronClaymoreEmber Claymore of Embers

0003DAEB EnchIronDaggerEmber Dagger of Embers

0003DAEC EnchIronLongswordEmber Longsword of Embers

0003DAED EnchIronMaceEmber Mace of Embers

0003DAEE EnchIronShortswordEmber Shortsword of Embers

0003DAEF EnchIronWarAxeEmber War Axe of Embers

0003DAF0 EnchIronWarhammerEmber Warhammer of Embers

0003DAF1 EnchSteelBattleAxeEmber Quality Battle Axe Ember

0003DAF2 EnchSteelBowEmber Bow of Burning

0003DAF3 EnchSteelClaymoreEmber Claymore of Burning

0003DAF4 EnchSteelDaggerEmber Dagger of Burning

0003DAF5 EnchSteelLongswordEmber Longsword of Burning

0003DAF6 EnchSteelMaceEmber Mace of Burning

0003DAF7 EnchSteelShortswordEmber Shortsword of Burning

0003DAF8 EnchSteelWarAxeEmber War Axe of Burning

0003DAF9 EnchSteelWarhammerEmber Warhammer of Burning

0003DAFA EnchDwarvenBattleAxeFlame Battle Axe of Scorching

0003DAFB EnchDwarvenBowFlame Bow of Scorching

0003DAFC EnchDwarvenClaymoreFlame Claymore of Scorching

0003DAFD EnchDwarvenDaggerFlame Dagger of Scorching

0003DAFE EnchDwarvenLongSwordFlame Longsword of Scorching

0003DAFF EnchDwarvenMaceFlame Mace of Scorching

0003DB00 EnchDwarvenShortSwordFlame Shortsword of Scorching

0003DB01 EnchDwarvenWarAxeFlame War Axe of Scorching

0003DB02 EnchDwarvenWarHammerFlame Warhammer of Scorching

0003DB03 EnchElvenBattleAxeBlaze Battle Axe of Flames

0003DB04 EnchElvenBowBlaze Bow of Flames

0003DB05 EnchElvenClaymoreBlaze Claymore of Flames

0003DB06 EnchElvenDaggerBlaze Dagger of Flames

0003DB07 EnchElvenLongSwordBlaze Long Sword of Flames

0003DB08 EnchElvenMaceBlaze Mace of Flames

0003DB09 EnchElvenShortswordBlaze Shortsword of Flames

0003DB0A EnchElvenWarAxeBlaze War Axe of Flames

0003DB0B EnchElvenWarHammerBlaze Warhammer of Flames

0003DB0C EnchGlassBattleAxeBlaze Battle Axe of Fire

0003DB0D EnchGlassBowBlaze Bow of Fire

0003DB0E EnchGlassClaymoreBlaze Claymore of Fire

0003DB0F EnchGlassDaggerBlaze Dagger of Fire

0001DA82 ElfPonytail HAIR Windbound

0003DB10 EnchGlassLongswordBlaze Longsword of Fire

0001DA83 ElfBraid HAIR Wind Braids

0003DB11 EnchGlassMaceBlaze Mace of Fire

0003DB12 EnchGlassShortswordBlaze Shortsword of Fire

0003DB13 EnchGlassWarAxeBlaze War Axe of Fire

0003DB14 EnchGlassWarHammerBlaze Warhammer of Fire

0003DB15 EnchEbonyBattleAxeScorch Battle Axe of the Blaze

0003DB16 EnchEbonyBowScorch Bow of the Blaze

0003DB17 EnchEbonyClaymoreScorch Claymore of the Blaze

0003DB18 EnchEbonyDaggerScorch Dagger of the Blaze

0003DB19 EnchEbonyLongswordScorch Longsword of the Blaze

0003DB1A EnchEbonyMaceScorch Mace of the Blaze

0003DB1B EnchEbonyShortswordScorch Shortsword of the Blaze

0003DB1C EnchEbonyWarAxeScorch War Axe of the Blaze

0003DB1D EnchEbonyWarHammerScorch Warhammer of the Blaze

0003DB1E EnchDaedricBattleAxeScorch Battle Axe of the Inferno

0003DB1F EnchDaedricBowScorch Bow of the Inferno

0003DB20 EnchDaedricClaymoreScorch Claymore of the Inferno

0003DB21 EnchDaedricDaggerScorch Dagger of the Inferno

0003DB22 EnchDaedricLongswordScorch Longsword of the Inferno

0003DB23 EnchDaedricMaceScorch Mace of the Inferno

0003DB24 EnchDaedricShortswordScorch Shortsword of the Inferno

0003DB25 EnchDaedricWarAxeScorch War Axe of the Inferno

0003DB26 EnchDaedricWarHammerScorch Warhammer of the Inferno

0003DB73 EnchIronClaymoreShiver Claymore of Frost

0003DB74 EnchIronDaggerShiver Dagger of Frost

0003DB75 EnchIronLongswordShiver Longsword of Frost

0003DB76 EnchIronMaceShiver Mace of Frost

0003DB77 EnchIronShortswordShiver Shortsword of Frost

0003DB78 EnchIronWarAxeShiver War Axe of Frost

0003DB79 EnchIronWarhammerShiver Warhammer of Frost

0003DB7A EnchSteelBattleAxeShiver Quality Battle Axe Shiver

0003DB7B EnchSteelBowShiver Bow of Numbing

0003DB7C EnchSteelClaymoreShiver Claymore of Numbing

0003DB7D EnchSteelDaggerShiver Dagger of Numbing

0003DB7E EnchSteelLongswordShiver Longsword of Numbing

0003DB7F EnchSteelMaceShiver Mace of Numbing

0003DB80 EnchSteelShortswordShiver Shortsword of Numbing

0003DB81 EnchSteelWarAxeShiver War Axe of Numbing

0003DB82 EnchSteelWarhammerShiver Warhammer of Numbing

0003DB8F EnchIronBattleAxeShiver Battle Axe of Frost

000387A6 EnchElvenWarhammerAbsFatigue Warhammer of Siphoning

000387A7 EnchElvenMaceAbsFatigue Mace of Siphoning

000387A8 EnchEbonyMaceAbsHealth Mace of Feeding

000387A9 EnchEbonyWarhammerAbsHealth Warhammer of Feeding

000387AA EnchSilverDaggerAbsMagicka Dagger of Depletion

000387AB EnchSilverShortswordAbsMagicka Shortsword of Depletion

000387AC EnchSilverLongswordAbsMagicka Longsword of Depletion

000387AD EnchSilverMaceAbsMagicka Mace of Depletion

000387AE EnchSilverBattleaxeAbsMagicka Battle Axe of Depletion

000387AF EnchSilverWaraxeAbsMagicka War Axe of Depletion

000387B0 EnchSilverWarhammerAbsMagicka Warhammer of Depletion

000387B1 EnchIronMaceBurden Mace of Weight

000387B2 EnchIronWarhammerBurden Warhammer of Weight

000387B3 EnchSteelWarhammerBurden Warhammer of Strain

000387B4 EnchSteelMaceBurden Mace of Strain

000387B5 EnchDwarvenWarhammerBurden Akaviri Warhammer Burden

000387B6 EnchDwarvenMaceBurden Mace of Burden

000387B7 EnchElvenMaceBurden Mace of Overload

000387B8 EnchElvenWarhammerBurden Warhammer of Overload

000387B9 EnchGlassWarhammerBurden Warhammer of Encumbrance

000387BA EnchGlassMaceBurden Mace of Encumbrance

000387BB EnchEbonyWarhammerBurden Warhammer of Excess

000387BC EnchEbonyMaceBurden Mace of Excess

000387BD EnchDaedricWarhammerBurden Warhammer of Deadweight

000387BE EnchDaedricMaceBurden Mace of Deadweight

000389E6 EnchDwarvenDaggerDamIntelligence Dagger of Enfeeblement

000389E7 EnchDwarvenShortswordDamSpeed Shortsword of Enfeeblement

000389E8 EnchDwarvenLongswordDamAgility Longsword of Enfeeblement

000389E9 EnchDwarvenMaceDamWillpower Mace of Enfeeblement

000389EA EnchDwarvenWarhammerDamStrength Warhammer of Enfeeblement

000389EB EnchDwarvenWaraxeDamLuck War Axe of Enfeeblement

0003A856 WeapSteelBattleAxeFine Fine Steel Battle Axe

0003A857 WeapSteelBowFine Fine Steel Bow

0003A858 WeapSteelClaymoreFine Fine Steel Claymore

0003A859 WeapSteelDaggerFine Fine Steel Dagger

0003A85A WeapSteelLongswordFine Fine Steel Longsword

0003A85B WeapSteelMaceFine Fine Steel Mace

0003A85C WeapSteelShortswordFine Fine Steel Shortsword

0003A85D WeapSteelWarAxeFine Fine Steel War Axe

0003A85E WeapSteelWarhammerFine Fine Steel Warhammer

0003A85F WeapIronBattleAxeFine Fine Iron Battle Axe

0003A860 WeapIronBowFine Fine Iron Bow

0003A861 WeapIronClaymoreFine Fine Iron Claymore

0003A862 WeapIronDaggerFine Fine Iron Dagger

0003A863 WeapIronLongswordFine Fine Iron Longsword

0003A864 WeapIronMaceFine Fine Iron Mace

0003A865 WeapIronShortswordFine Fine Iron Shortsword

0003A866 WeapIronWarAxeFine Fine Iron War Axe

0003A867 WeapIronWarhammerFine Fine Iron Warhammer

0003B3FF EnchElvenBattleAxeAbsFatigue Battle Axe of Siphoning

0003B400 EnchElvenWarAxeAbsFatigue War Axe of Siphoning

0003B401 EnchEbonyWarAxeAbsHealth War Axe of Feeding

0003B402 EnchEbonyBattleAxeAbsHealth Battle Axe of Feeding

0003B403 EnchDaedricBattleAxeAbsMagicka Battle Axe of Transmogrify

0003B404 EnchDaedricMaceAbsMagicka Mace of Transmogrify

0003B405 EnchDaedricWarAxeAbsMagicka War Axe of Transmogrify

0003B406 EnchDaedricWarHammerAbsMagicka Warhammer of Transmogrify

0003B407 EnchDwarvenBattleAxeDisArmor Battle Axe of Decay

0003B408 EnchDwarvenWarAxeDisArmor War Axe of Decay

0003B409 EnchElvenWarAxeDisArmor War Axe of Dissolution

0003B40A EnchElvenBattleAxeDisArmor Battle Axe of Dissolution

0003B40B EnchGlassWarAxeDisArmor War Axe of Fracturing

0003B40C EnchDaedricBattleAxeDisArmor Battle Axe of Putrification

0003B40D EnchDaedricWarAxeDisArmor War Axe of Putrification

0003B40E EnchEbonyBattleAxeDisArmor Battle Axe of Rending

0003B40F EnchEbonyWarAxeDisArmor War Axe of Rending

000CA152 UniqueWeapHatred Battleaxe of Hatred

000CA153 UniqueStaffApotheosis Apotheosis

000CA154 UniqueWeapAcid Akavari Sunderblade

000CA155 UniqueWeapAkavari Akavari Warblade

000CA156 UniqueWeapBlindness Bow of Infliction

000CA157 UniqueClubSubmission Truncheon of Submission

000CA158 UniqueWeaponKorbansSaber Captain Kordan's Saber

000CA159 UniqueWeapCleaver Destarine's Cleaver

000977C3 ArenaSteelLongsword Steel Longsword

000977C4 ArenaSilverMace Silver Mace

000977C5 ArenaSilverShortsword Silver Shortsword

000977C6 ArenaIronBow Iron Bow

000977C7 ArenaSilverLongsword Silver Longsword

000977C8 ArenaIronWarAxe Iron War Axe

000977C9 ArenaAkaviriLongSword Akaviri Katana

000977CA ArenaDwarvenClaymore Dwarven Claymore

000977CB ArenaGlassWarHammer Glass Warhammer

000977CC ArenaElvenBow Elven Bow

000977CD ArenaElvenLongSword Elven Long Sword

000977CE ArenaEbonyMace Ebony Mace

000977CF ArenaEbonyWarAxe Ebony War Axe

000977D0 ArenaEbonyBow Ebony Bow

000977D1 ArenaIronLongsword Iron Longsword

000977D2 ArenaSilverBattleAxe Silver BattleAxe

3) Armory :

00038510 BlackwoodCuirass Blackwood Cuirass

00038511 BlackwoodGauntlets Blackwood Gauntlets

00038512 BlackwoodGreaves Blackwood Greaves

00038513 BlackwoodHelmet Blackwood Helmet

00038514 BlackwoodBoots Blackwood Boots

0001C6CD WeapIronClaymore Iron Claymore

0001C6CE IronHelmet Iron Helmet

0001C6CF IronBoots Iron Boots

0001C6D0 IronGreaves Iron Greaves

0001C6D1 IronCuirass Iron Cuirass

0001C6D2 IronGauntlets Iron Gauntlets

0001C6D3 ChainmailCuirass Chainmail Cuirass

0001C6D4 ChainmailBoots Chainmail Boots

0001C6D5 ChainmailGreaves Chainmail Greaves

0001C6D6 ChainmailGauntlets Chainmail Gauntlets

0001C6D7 ChainmailHelmet Chainmail Helmet

0001C6D8 SteelGauntlets Steel Gauntlets

0003E9AE Dremora2KynvalGreaves Dremora Kynval Greaves

0003E9AF Dremora3KynreeveBoots Dremora Kynreeve Boots

0003E9B0 Dremora3KynreeveCuirass Dremora Kynreeve Cuirass

0003E9B1 Dremora3KynreeveGreaves Dremora Kynreeve Greaves

0003E9B2 Dremora3KynreeveShield Dremora Kynreeve Shield

0003E9B3 Dremora4KynmarcherBoots Dremora Kynmarcher Boots

0003E9B4 Dremora4KynmarcherCuirass Dremora Kynmarcher Cuirass

0003E9B5 Dremora4KynmarcherGreaves Dremora Kynmarcher Greaves

0003E9B6 Dremora5MarkynazBoots Dremora Markynaz Boots

0003E9B7 Dremora5MarkynazCuirass Dremora Markynaz Cuirass

0003E9B8 Dremora5MarkynazGreaves Dremora Markynaz Greaves

0003E9B9 Dremora0ChurlBoots Dremora Churl Boots

0003E9BA Dremora1CaitiffBoots Dremora Caitiff Boots

0003E9BB Dremora2KynvalBoots Dremora Kynval Boots

0003E9BC Dremora0ChurlGreaves Dremora Churl Greaves

0003E9BD Dremora0ChurlCuirass Dremora Churl Cuirass

0003E9BE Dremora1CaitiffCuirass Dremora Caitiff Cuirass

0003E9BF Dremora1CaitiffGreaves Dremora Caitiff Greaves

0003E9C0 Dremora1CaitiffShield Dremora Caitiff Shield

0003E9C1 Dremora2KynvalCuirass Dremora Kynval Cuirass

0002299C ElvenCuirass Elven Cuirass

0002299D ElvenGreaves Elven Greaves

0002299E ElvenGauntlets Elven Gauntlets

0002299F ElvenBoots Elven Boots

000229A0 ElvenShield Elven Shield

000229A1 ElvenHelmet Elven Helmet

000229A2 SteelCuirass Steel Cuirass

000229A3 SteelGreaves Steel Greaves

000229A4 SteelHelmet Steel Helmet

000229A5 SteelBoots Steel Boots

000229A9 LeatherBracer Leather Bracer

000ADD4E ImperialDragonBootsHeavy Imperial Dragon Boots

000ADD50 ImperialDragonCuirassLight Imperial Dragon Cuirass

000ADD51 ImperialDragonGauntletsHeavy Imperial Dragon Gauntlets

000ADD52 ImperialDragonGreavesHeavy Imperial Dragon Greaves

000ADDA2 ImperialDragonHelmetHeavy Imperial Dragon Helmet

000ADDA3 ImperialDragonBootsLight Imperial Dragon Boots

000ADDAA ImperialDragonCuirassHeavy Imperial Dragon Cuirass

0001FED0 EmperorGauntlets Emperor's Gauntlets

0001FED1 EmperorGreaves Emperor's Greaves

0001FED2 EmperorHelmet Emperor's Helmet

0001FECE EmperorBoots Emperor's Boots

000CA10F UniqueDwarvenCuirassJuggernaut Dondoran's Juggernaut

000CA110 UniqueElvenCuirassLegacy Birthright of Astalon

000CA111 UniqueChainBootsMerchant Boots of the Swift Merchant

000CA112 UniqueFurGreavesMonkey Monkeypants

000CA113 UniqueGlassBootsQuicksilver Quicksilver Boots

000CA114 UniqueSteelGauntletsRasheedasSpecial Rasheda's Special

000CA116 UniqueAkavariShieldTowerOfTheNine Tower of the Nine

000CA117 UniqueAkavariCuirassApocalypse Aegis of the Apocalypse

000CA118 UniqueEbonyGauntetsAtronach Hands of the Atronach

000CA119 UniqueDwarvenHelmDelver Helm of the Deep Delver

000CA11A UniqueIronGauntletsDrunkard Fists of the Drunkard

000CA11B UniqueOrcishHelm Ferocity Helm of Ferocity

000CA11C UniqueOrcishGaunletsHunger Gauntlets of Gluttony

0018AE4B ImperialPalaceBoots Imperial Watch Boots

0018AE4C ImperialPalaceCuirass Imperial Watch Cuirass

0018AE4D ImperialPalaceGauntlets Imperial Watch Gauntlets

0018AE4E ImperialPalaceGreaves Imperial Watch Greaves

0018AE4F ImperialPalaceHelmet Imperial Watch Helmet

0002C212 EnchDaedricHelmetDetectLife Inquisitor's Helmet

0002C214 EnchDaedricGauntletsDetectLife Inquisitor's Gauntlets

0002C215 EnchDaedricBootsFeather Boots of the Thrall

0002C217 EnchDaedricGauntletsFortStrength Gauntlets of Brutality

0002C218 EnchDaedricCuirassFortEndurance Cuirass of Fortitude

0002C21A EnchDaedricGreavesFortFatigue Deathmarch Greaves

0002C21B EnchDaedricCuirassFortHealth Cuirass of the Undefeated

0002C21D EnchDaedricGauntletsFortArmorer Warforger's Gauntlets

0002C21E EnchDaedricBootsFortAthletics Boots of the Taskmaster

0002C220 EnchDaedricShieldFortBlock Dwarvenskin Shield

0002C221 EnchDaedricGauntletsFortHandtoHand Gauntlets of Punishment

0002C223 EnchDaedricCuirassFortHeavyArmor Cuirass of the Blood Legion

0002C224 EnchDaedricGauntletsLight Moonshadow Gauntlets

0002C226 EnchDaedricShieldLight Moonshadow Shield

0002C227 EnchDaedricShieldReflectDamage Shield of Vengence

0002C228 EnchDaedricShieldReflectSpell Shield of Animus

0002C229 EnchDaedricGreavesResistFire Flamewalker Greaves

0002C233 EnchDaedricGauntletsResistFrost Nordslayer Gauntlets

0002C235 EnchDaedricHelmetResistMagicka Mageslayer's Helmet

0002C239 EnchDaedricGreavesResistParalysis Slavemaster's Greaves

0002C23B EnchDaedricCuirassResistPoison Cuirass of the Pit Viper

0002C23F EnchDaedricBootsResistShock Boots of the Storm

0002C244 EnchDaedricShieldShield Monolithic Shield

0002C245 EnchDaedricShieldShockShield Stormlord's Shield

0002C247 EnchDaedricGreavesSpellAbsorption Magebane Greaves

0002C24E EnchDaedricHelmetWaterbreathing Helmet of the Flood

0003633F GlassHelmet Glass Helmet

00036340 GlassGauntlets Glass Gauntlets

00036341 GlassBoots Glass Boots

00036342 GlassGreaves Glass Greaves

00036343 GlassCuirass Glass Cuirass

00036344 GlassShield Glass Shield

00036345 DwarvenHelmet Dwarven Helmet

00036346 DwarvenGauntlets Dwarven Gauntlets

00036347 DwarvenBoots Dwarven Boots

00036348 DwarvenGreaves Dwarven Greaves

00036349 DwarvenCuirass Dwarven Cuirass

0003634A DwarvenShield Dwarven Shield

0003634B OrcishHelmet Orcish Helmet

0003634C OrcishGauntlets Orcish Gauntlets

0003634D OrcishBoots Orcish Boots

0003634E OrcishGreaves Orcish Greaves

0003634F OrcishCuirass Orcish Cuirass

00036350 OrcishShield Orcish Shield

00036351 EbonyHelmet Ebony Helmet

00036352 EbonyGauntlets Ebony Gauntlets

00036353 EbonyBoots Ebony Boots

00036354 EbonyGreaves Ebony Greaves

00036355 EnchEbonyCuirassResistPoison Viperbane Cuirass

00036356 EbonyShield Ebony Shield

00036357 DaedricHelmet Daedric Helmet

00036358 DaedricGauntlets Daedric Gauntlets

00036359 DaedricBoots Daedric Boots

0003635A DaedricGreaves Daedric Greaves

0003635B DaedricCuirass Daedric Cuirass

0003635C DaedricShield Daedric Shield

000977BC ArenaChainmailHelmet Chainmail Helmet

000977BD ArenaOrcishShield Orcish Shield

000977BE ArenaFurShield Fur Shield

000977BF ArenaLeatherShield Leather Shield

000977C0 ArenaMithrilShield Mithril Shield

000977C1 ArenaElvenShield Elven Shield

000977C2 ArenaSteelShield Steel Shield

(poslal Kubačka Lukáš "Kubi©@" - Kacerd@ seznam.cz)

Stiskněte [~] během hry a zobrazí se okno pro cheaty. Pak napište některý z následujících cheatů:

AdvLevel     - zvýšení levelu

AdvSkill     - zvýšení zručnosti

CompleteQues - dokončení Questu

modpcs [skill], [number]     - přidá dané body na specifikovanou dovednost

modpca [attribute], [number] - přidá dané body na specifikovanou vlastnost


modpcs blade, 10    - zvýší dovednost s mečem o 10 bodů

modpca strength, 10 - zvýši silu o 10 bodů.

player.SetCrimeGold 0 - ztráta premie

player.setPCInfamy 0  - ztráta hamby

player.additem "ID" 1 - přidá předmět s ID


player.additem 0002299C 1 - přidá ARMO Elven Cuirass

Seznam předmětů

0002299C ElvenCuirass ARMO Elven Cuirass

0002299D ElvenGreaves ARMO Elven Greaves

0002299E ElvenGauntlets ARMO Elven Gauntlets

0002299F ElvenBoots ARMO Elven Boots

000229A0 ElvenShield ARMO Elven Shield

000229A1 ElvenHelmet ARMO Elven Helmet

000229A2 SteelCuirass ARMO Steel Cuirass

000229A3 SteelGreaves ARMO Steel Greaves

000229A4 SteelHelmet ARMO Steel Helmet

000229A5 SteelBoots ARMO Steel Boots

000229A6 LowerShirt01 CLOT Blacksmith's Apron

000229A7 LowerPants01 CLOT Blacksmith's Pants

000229A8 LowerShoes01 CLOT Rough Leather Shoes

000229A9 LeatherBracer ARMO Leather Bracer

000229AA LowerShirt02 CLOT Dark Green Shirt

000229AB LowerPants02 CLOT Laced Leather Pants

000229AC LowerShoes02 CLOT Stitched Leather Shoes

000229AD MiddleShirt01 CLOT Brown Shirt

000229AE MiddlePants01 CLOT Light Brown Linens

000229AF MiddleShoes01 CLOT Pigskin Shoes

000229B0 UpperShirt01 CLOT Green Brocade Doublet

000229B1 UpperPants01 CLOT Green Silk Garment

000229B2 UpperShoes01 CLOT Green Velvet Shoes

000ADD4E ImperialDragonBootsHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Boots

000ADD50 ImperialDragonCuirassLight ARMO Imperial Dragon Cuirass

000ADD51 ImperialDragonGauntletsHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Gauntlets

000ADD52 ImperialDragonGreavesHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Greaves

000ADDA2 ImperialDragonHelmetHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Helmet

000ADDA3 ImperialDragonBootsLight ARMO Imperial Dragon Boots

000ADDAA ImperialDragonCuirassHeavy ARMO Imperial Dragon Cuirass

000CA152 UniqueWeapHatred WEAP Battleaxe of Hatred

000CA153 UniqueStaffApotheosis WEAP Apotheosis

000CA154 UniqueWeapAcid WEAP Akavari Sunderblade

000CA155 UniqueWeapAkavari WEAP Akavari Warblade

000CA156 UniqueWeapBlindness WEAP Bow of Infliction

000CA157 UniqueClubSubmission WEAP Truncheon of Submission

000CA158 UniqueWeaponKorbansSaber WEAP Captain Kordan's Saber

000CA159 UniqueWeapCleaver WEAP Destarine's Cleaver

0001FED0 EmperorGauntlets ARMO Emperor's Gauntlets

0001FED1 EmperorGreaves ARMO Emperor's Greaves

0001FED2 EmperorHelmet ARMO Emperor's Helmet

0001FECE EmperorBoots ARMO Emperor's Boots

0000552C EnchClothingRobeShieldGrand CLOT Aegis Robe

0000552D EnchClothingPantsFortifyMagicka CLOT Fortify Magicka Pants

00005530 EnchClothingShirtlShield CLOT Vest of Warding

00005519 EnchClothingRobeShieldPetty CLOT Robe of Deflection

0000551C EnchClothingRobeShieldLesser CLOT Robe of Warding

00005527 EnchClothingRobeShieldCommon CLOT Robe of Protection

00005529 EnchClothingRobeShieldGreater CLOT Robe of Defense

00048981 EnchClothingPantsAcrobatics CLOT Acrobatics Pants

00048982 EnchClothingShirtlLightArmor CLOT Light Armor Vest

00048983 EnchClothingShirtMarksman CLOT Marksman Quilted Doublet

00048984 EnchClothingShirtMerchantile CLOT Mercantile Black Outfit

00048985 EnchClothingShirtSecurity CLOT Security Russet Felt Shirt

00048986 EnchClothingShoesSneak CLOT Sneak Blue Suede Shoes

00048987 EnchClothingShirtSpeechcraft CLOT Speechcraft Green Brocade Doublet

00048989 EnchClothingShirtResistDisease CLOT Resist Disease Burgundy Linen Shirt

0004898A EnchClothingPantsResistFire CLOT Resist Fire Burgundy Linens

0004898B EnchClothingShirtResistNormalWeapons CLOT Resist Normal Weapons Qu.Dou.

0004898C EnchClothingShirtResistPoison CLOT Resist Poison Blue & Green Outfit

0004898F EnchClothingShoesWaterwalking CLOT Waterwalking Gold Trimmed Shoes

00048990 EnchClothingRobeChameleon CLOT Lesser Chameleon Robe

00048991 EnchClothingShoesFeather CLOT Feather Shoes

00048992 EnchClothingPantsFortifyFatigue CLOT Fortify Fatigue Pants

000CA10F UniqueDwarvenCuirassJuggernaut ARMO Dondoran's Juggernaut

000CA110 UniqueElvenCuirassLegacy ARMO Birthright of Astalon

000CA111 UniqueChainBootsMerchant ARMO Boots of the Swift Merchant

000CA112 UniqueFurGreavesMonkey ARMO Monkeypants

000CA113 UniqueGlassBootsQuicksilver ARMO Quicksilver Boots

000CA114 UniqueSteelGauntletsRasheedasSpecial ARMO Rasheda's Special

000CA116 UniqueAkavariShieldTowerOfTheNine ARMO Tower of the Nine

000CA117 UniqueAkavariCuirassApocalypse ARMO Aegis of the Apocalypse

000CA118 UniqueEbonyGauntetsAtronach ARMO Hands of the Atronach

000CA119 UniqueDwarvenHelmDelver ARMO Helm of the Deep Delver

000CA11A UniqueIronGauntletsDrunkard ARMO Fists of the Drunkard

000CA11B UniqueOrcishHelmFerocity ARMO Helm of Ferocity

000CA11C UniqueOrcishGaunletsHunger ARMO Gauntlets of Gluttony

000CA11D UniqueScrollSacrifice BOOK Chronicle of Sacrifice

000CA11E UniqueScrollPurileBanter BOOK Document of Purile Banter

000CA11F UniqueScrollFireNexus BOOK Annal of the Fire Nexus

000CA120 UniqueScrollStorms BOOK Stormrider Scroll

000CA121 UniqueClothingHoodDruid CLOT Cowl of the Druid

000CA122 UniqueClothingShirtArtisan CLOT Apron of the Master Artisan

000CA123 UniqueClothingShirtBard CLOT Vest of the Bard

000CA124 UniqueClothingHoodSeer CLOT Veil of the Seer

000CA125 UniqueClothingPantsSilverTongues CLOT Imperial Breeches

000CA126 UniqueRingTransmuter CLOT Ring of Transmutation

000CA127 UniqueClothingRobeCreativity CLOT Robe of Creativity

000CA128 UniqueRingWortcraft CLOT Ring of Wortcraft

000CA129 UniqueClothingHoodGatherer CLOT Mantle of the Woodsman

000CA12A UniqueRingUnseen CLOT Spectre Ring

000CA12B UniqueClothingBootsAthlete CLOT Nistor's Boots

000CA12C UniqueClothingHoodDiplomat CLOT Councilor's Hood

0018AE4B ImperialPalaceBoots ARMO Imperial Watch Boots

0018AE4C ImperialPalaceCuirass ARMO Imperial Watch Cuirass

0018AE4D ImperialPalaceGauntlets ARMO Imperial Watch Gauntlets

0018AE4E ImperialPalaceGreaves ARMO Imperial Watch Greaves

0018AE4F ImperialPalaceHelmet ARMO Imperial Watch Helmet

0002C212 EnchDaedricHelmetDetectLife ARMO Inquisitor's Helmet

0002C214 EnchDaedricGauntletsDetectLife ARMO Inquisitor's Gauntlets

0002C215 EnchDaedricBootsFeather ARMO Boots of the Thrall

0002C217 EnchDaedricGauntletsFortStrength ARMO Gauntlets of Brutality

0002C218 EnchDaedricCuirassFortEndurance ARMO Cuirass of Fortitude

0002C21A EnchDaedricGreavesFortFatigue ARMO Deathmarch Greaves

0002C21B EnchDaedricCuirassFortHealth ARMO Cuirass of the Undefeated

0002C21D EnchDaedricGauntletsFortArmorer ARMO Warforger's Gauntlets

0002C21E EnchDaedricBootsFortAthletics ARMO Boots of the Taskmaster

0002C220 EnchDaedricShieldFortBlock ARMO Dwarvenskin Shield

0002C221 EnchDaedricGauntletsFortHandtoHand ARMO Gauntlets of Punishment

0002C223 EnchDaedricCuirassFortHeavyArmor ARMO Cuirass of the Blood Legion

0002C224 EnchDaedricGauntletsLight ARMO Moonshadow Gauntlets

0002C226 EnchDaedricShieldLight ARMO Moonshadow Shield

0002C227 EnchDaedricShieldReflectDamage ARMO Shield of Vengence

0002C228 EnchDaedricShieldReflectSpell ARMO Shield of Animus

0002C229 EnchDaedricGreavesResistFire ARMO Flamewalker Greaves

0002C233 EnchDaedricGauntletsResistFrost ARMO Nordslayer Gauntlets

0002C235 EnchDaedricHelmetResistMagicka ARMO Mageslayer's Helmet

0002C239 EnchDaedricGreavesResistParalysis ARMO Slavemaster's Greaves

0002C23B EnchDaedricCuirassResistPoison ARMO Cuirass of the Pit Viper

0002C23F EnchDaedricBootsResistShock ARMO Boots of the Storm

0002C244 EnchDaedricShieldShield ARMO Monolithic Shield

0002C245 EnchDaedricShieldShockShield ARMO Stormlord's Shield

0002C247 EnchDaedricGreavesSpellAbsorption ARMO Magebane Greaves

0002C24E EnchDaedricHelmetWaterbreathing ARMO Helmet of the Flood

0003633F GlassHelmet ARMO Glass Helmet

00036340 GlassGauntlets ARMO Glass Gauntlets

00036341 GlassBoots ARMO Glass Boots

00036342 GlassGreaves ARMO Glass Greaves

00036343 GlassCuirass ARMO Glass Cuirass

00036344 GlassShield ARMO Glass Shield

00036345 DwarvenHelmet ARMO Dwarven Helmet

00036346 DwarvenGauntlets ARMO Dwarven Gauntlets

00036347 DwarvenBoots ARMO Dwarven Boots

00036348 DwarvenGreaves ARMO Dwarven Greaves

00036349 DwarvenCuirass ARMO Dwarven Cuirass

0003634A DwarvenShield ARMO Dwarven Shield

0003634B OrcishHelmet ARMO Orcish Helmet

0003634C OrcishGauntlets ARMO Orcish Gauntlets

0003634D OrcishBoots ARMO Orcish Boots

0003634E OrcishGreaves ARMO Orcish Greaves

0003634F OrcishCuirass ARMO Orcish Cuirass

00036350 OrcishShield ARMO Orcish Shield

00036351 EbonyHelmet ARMO Ebony Helmet

00036352 EbonyGauntlets ARMO Ebony Gauntlets

00036353 EbonyBoots ARMO Ebony Boots

00036354 EbonyGreaves ARMO Ebony Greaves

00036355 EnchEbonyCuirassResistPoison ARMO Viperbane Cuirass

00036356 EbonyShield ARMO Ebony Shield

00036357 DaedricHelmet ARMO Daedric Helmet

00036358 DaedricGauntlets ARMO Daedric Gauntlets

00036359 DaedricBoots ARMO Daedric Boots

0003635A DaedricGreaves ARMO Daedric Greaves

0003635B DaedricCuirass ARMO Daedric Cuirass

0003635C DaedricShield ARMO Daedric Shield

000977BC ArenaChainmailHelmet ARMO Chainmail Helmet

000977BD ArenaOrcishShield ARMO Orcish Shield

000977BE ArenaFurShield ARMO Fur Shield

000977BF ArenaLeatherShield ARMO Leather Shield

000977C0 ArenaMithrilShield ARMO Mithril Shield

000977C1 ArenaElvenShield ARMO Elven Shield

000977C2 ArenaSteelShield ARMO Steel Shield

000977C3 ArenaSteelLongsword WEAP Steel Longsword

000977C4 ArenaSilverMace WEAP Silver Mace

000977C5 ArenaSilverShortsword WEAP Silver Shortsword

000977C6 ArenaIronBow WEAP Iron Bow

000977C7 ArenaSilverLongsword WEAP Silver Longsword

000977C8 ArenaIronWarAxe WEAP Iron War Axe

000977C9 ArenaAkaviriLongSword WEAP Akaviri Katana

000977CA ArenaDwarvenClaymore WEAP Dwarven Claymore

000977CB ArenaGlassWarHammer WEAP Glass Warhammer

000977CC ArenaElvenBow WEAP Elven Bow

000977CD ArenaElvenLongSword WEAP Elven Long Sword

000977CE ArenaEbonyMace WEAP Ebony Mace

000977CF ArenaEbonyWarAxe WEAP Ebony War Axe

000977D0 ArenaEbonyBow WEAP Ebony Bow

000977D1 ArenaIronLongsword WEAP Iron Longsword

000977D2 ArenaSilverBattleAxe WEAP Silver BattleAxe

00098417 EnchRingResistDiseaseJadeTopaz CLOT Ring of Fortitude

00098418 EnchRingResistDiseaseJadeRuby CLOT Grand Ring of Fortitude

00098419 EnchRingResistFireBrass CLOT Base Ring of Firewalking

0009841A EnchRingResistFireBrassPearl CLOT Ring of Firewalking

0009841B EnchRingResistFireBrassTopaz CLOT Grand Ring of Firewalking

0009841C EnchRingResistFrostSilver CLOT Base Ring of the North

0009841D EnchRingResistFrostSilverRuby CLOT Ring of the North

0009841E EnchRingResistFrostSilverSapphire CLOT Grand Ring of the North

0009841F EnchRingResistMagickaEbony CLOT Base Ring of Nihilism

00098420 EnchRingResistMagickaEbonyEmerald CLOT Ring of Nihilism

00098421 EnchRingResistMagickaEbonyDiamond CLOT Grand Ring of Nihilism

00098422 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGold CLOT Base Ring of Steelskin

00098423 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGoldSapphire CLOT Ring of Steelskin

00098424 EnchRingResistNormalWeaponsGoldEmerald CLOT Grand Ring of Steelskin

00098425 EnchRingResistParalysisJadeSapphire CLOT Base Ring of Freedom

00098426 EnchRingResistParalysisSilverSapphire CLOT Ring of Freedom

00098427 EnchRingResistParalysisGoldSapphire CLOT Grand Ring of Freedom

00098428 EnchRingResistPoisonSilverEmerald CLOT Base Ring of the Viper

00098429 EnchRingResistPoisonGoldEmerald CLOT Ring of the Viper

0009842A EnchRingResistPoisonEbonyEmerald CLOT Grand Ring of the Viper

0009842B EnchRingResistShockCopper CLOT Base Ring of Storms

0009842C EnchRingResistShockCopperPearl CLOT Ring of Storms

0009842D EnchRingResistShockCopperTopaz CLOT Grand Ring of Storms

00098437 EnchRingShieldCopper CLOT Base Ring of Aegis

00098438 EnchRingShieldCopperPearl CLOT Ring of Aegis

00098439 EnchRingShieldCopperTopaz CLOT Grand Ring of Aegis

0009843A EnchRingShockShieldCopper CLOT Base Ring of Shock Shield

0009843B EnchRingShockShieldCopperPearl CLOT Ring of Shock Shield

0009843C EnchRingShockShieldCopperTopaz CLOT Grand Ring of Shock Shield

0009843D EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionCopper CLOT Base Amulet of Absorption

0009843E EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionSilver CLOT Amulet of Absorption

0009843F EnchAmuletSpellAbsorptionJeweled CLOT Grand Amulet of Absorption

00098440 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingCopper CLOT Base Necklace of the Sea

00098441 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingSilver CLOT Grand Necklace of the Sea

00098442 EnchNecklaceWaterbreathingJeweled CLOT Necklace of the Sea

00098443 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingBronze CLOT Base Necklace of Seawalking

00098444 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingJade CLOT Necklace of Seawalking

00098445 EnchNecklaceWaterwalkingGold CLOT Grand Necklace of Seawalking

00098446 EnchRingofPerfection CLOT Ring of Perfection

00098447 EnchRingofStamina CLOT Ring of Stamina

00098448 EnchRingofWar CLOT Ring of War

00098449 EnchRingofTreachery CLOT Ring of Treachery

0009844A EnchRingofWizardry CLOT Ring of Wizardry

0009844B EnchRingMundane CLOT Mundane Ring

0009844C EnchRingFlame CLOT Flame Ring

0009844D EnchRingFrost CLOT Frost Ring

0009844E EnchRingStorm CLOT Storm Ring

0009844F EnchRingofVitality CLOT Ring of Vitality

00098450 EnchRingElemental CLOT Elemental Ring

00098452 EnchNecklaceofSwords CLOT Necklace of Swords

00098453 EnchAmuletofAxes CLOT Amulet of Axes

00098454 EnchRingSorcerers CLOT Sorcerer's Ring

00098455 EnchRingofThieves CLOT Ring of Thieves

00098456 EnchRingofSkimming CLOT Ring of Skimming

00098457 EnchAcrobatsAmulet CLOT Acrobat's Amulet

00098458 EnchRingoftheIronFist CLOT Ring of the Iron Fist

0009845B EnchAmuletReflectSpellJade CLOT Amulet of Reflection

0009845C EnchAmuletReflectSpellGold CLOT Grand Amulet of Reflection

0009845D EnchRingResistDiseaseJade CLOT Base Ring of Fortitude

00038510 BlackwoodCuirass ARMO Blackwood Cuirass

00038511 BlackwoodGauntlets ARMO Blackwood Gauntlets

00038512 BlackwoodGreaves ARMO Blackwood Greaves

00038513 BlackwoodHelmet ARMO Blackwood Helmet

00038514 BlackwoodBoots ARMO Blackwood Boots

000387A6 EnchElvenWarhammerAbsFatigue WEAP Warhammer of Siphoning

000387A7 EnchElvenMaceAbsFatigue WEAP Mace of Siphoning

000387A8 EnchEbonyMaceAbsHealth WEAP Mace of Feeding

000387A9 EnchEbonyWarhammerAbsHealth WEAP Warhammer of Feeding

000387AA EnchSilverDaggerAbsMagicka WEAP Dagger of Depletion

000387AB EnchSilverShortswordAbsMagicka WEAP Shortsword of Depletion

000387AC EnchSilverLongswordAbsMagicka WEAP Longsword of Depletion

000387AD EnchSilverMaceAbsMagicka WEAP Mace of Depletion

000387AE EnchSilverBattleaxeAbsMagicka WEAP Battle Axe of Depletion

000387AF EnchSilverWaraxeAbsMagicka WEAP War Axe of Depletion

000387B0 EnchSilverWarhammerAbsMagicka WEAP Warhammer of Depletion

000387B1 EnchIronMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Weight

000387B2 EnchIronWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Weight

000387B3 EnchSteelWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Strain

000387B4 EnchSteelMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Strain

000387B5 EnchDwarvenWarhammerBurden WEAP Akaviri Warhammer Burden

000387B6 EnchDwarvenMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Burden

000387B7 EnchElvenMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Overload

000387B8 EnchElvenWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Overload

000387B9 EnchGlassWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Encumbrance

000387BA EnchGlassMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Encumbrance

000387BB EnchEbonyWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Excess

000387BC EnchEbonyMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Excess

000387BD EnchDaedricWarhammerBurden WEAP Warhammer of Deadweight

000387BE EnchDaedricMaceBurden WEAP Mace of Deadweight

000389E6 EnchDwarvenDaggerDamIntelligence WEAP Dagger of Enfeeblement

000389E7 EnchDwarvenShortswordDamSpeed WEAP Shortsword of Enfeeblement

000389E8 EnchDwarvenLongswordDamAgility WEAP Longsword of Enfeeblement

000389E9 EnchDwarvenMaceDamWillpower WEAP Mace of Enfeeblement

000389EA EnchDwarvenWarhammerDamStrength WEAP Warhammer of Enfeeblement

000389EB EnchDwarvenWaraxeDamLuck WEAP War Axe of Enfeeblement

0003A856 WeapSteelBattleAxeFine WEAP Fine Steel Battle Axe

0003A857 WeapSteelBowFine WEAP Fine Steel Bow

0003A858 WeapSteelClaymoreFine WEAP Fine Steel Claymore

0003A859 WeapSteelDaggerFine WEAP Fine Steel Dagger

0003A85A WeapSteelLongswordFine WEAP Fine Steel Longsword

0003A85B WeapSteelMaceFine WEAP Fine Steel Mace

0003A85C WeapSteelShortswordFine WEAP Fine Steel Shortsword

0003A85D WeapSteelWarAxeFine WEAP Fine Steel War Axe

0003A85E WeapSteelWarhammerFine WEAP Fine Steel Warhammer

0003A85F WeapIronBattleAxeFine WEAP Fine Iron Battle Axe

0003A860 WeapIronBowFine WEAP Fine Iron Bow

0003A861 WeapIronClaymoreFine WEAP Fine Iron Claymore

0003A862 WeapIronDaggerFine WEAP Fine Iron Dagger

0003A863 WeapIronLongswordFine WEAP Fine Iron Longsword

0003A864 WeapIronMaceFine WEAP Fine Iron Mace

0003A865 WeapIronShortswordFine WEAP Fine Iron Shortsword

0003A866 WeapIronWarAxeFine WEAP Fine Iron War Axe

0003A867 WeapIronWarhammerFine WEAP Fine Iron Warhammer

0003B3FF EnchElvenBattleAxeAbsFatigue WEAP Battle Axe of Siphoning

0003B400 EnchElvenWarAxeAbsFatigue WEAP War Axe of Siphoning

0003B401 EnchEbonyWarAxeAbsHealth WEAP War Axe of Feeding

0003B402 EnchEbonyBattleAxeAbsHealth WEAP Battle Axe of Feeding

0003B403 EnchDaedricBattleAxeAbsMagicka WEAP Battle Axe of Transmogrify

0003B404 EnchDaedricMaceAbsMagicka WEAP Mace of Transmogrify

0003B405 EnchDaedricWarAxeAbsMagicka WEAP War Axe of Transmogrify

0003B406 EnchDaedricWarHammerAbsMagicka WEAP Warhammer of Transmogrify

0003B407 EnchDwarvenBattleAxeDisArmor WEAP Battle Axe of Decay

0003B408 EnchDwarvenWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Decay

0003B409 EnchElvenWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Dissolution

0003B40A EnchElvenBattleAxeDisArmor WEAP Battle Axe of Dissolution

0003B40B EnchGlassWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Fracturing

0003B40C EnchDaedricBattleAxeDisArmor WEAP Battle Axe of Putrification

0003B40D EnchDaedricWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Putrification

0003B40E EnchEbonyBattleAxeDisArmor WEAP Battle Axe of Rending

0003B40F EnchEbonyWarAxeDisArmor WEAP War Axe of Rending

0001C6CD WeapIronClaymore WEAP Iron Claymore

0001C6CE IronHelmet ARMO Iron Helmet

0001C6CF IronBoots ARMO Iron Boots

0001C6D0 IronGreaves ARMO Iron Greaves

0001C6D1 IronCuirass ARMO Iron Cuirass

0001C6D2 IronGauntlets ARMO Iron Gauntlets

0001C6D3 ChainmailCuirass ARMO Chainmail Cuirass

0001C6D4 ChainmailBoots ARMO Chainmail Boots

0001C6D5 ChainmailGreaves ARMO Chainmail Greaves

0001C6D6 ChainmailGauntlets ARMO Chainmail Gauntlets

0001C6D7 ChainmailHelmet ARMO Chainmail Helmet

0001C6D8 SteelGauntlets ARMO Steel Gauntlets

0003CCFE EnchEbonyClaymoreTempest WEAP Tempest

0003CCFF EnchDwarvenBattleAxeHazards WEAP Axe of Hazards

0003CD01 EnchElvenClaymoreImmolator WEAP Immolator

0003CD02 EnchGlassShortswordWounding WEAP Sword of Wounding

0003CD04 EnchElvenBowDragonsBow WEAP Dragon's Bow

0003CD05 EnchGlassClaymoreBoreal WEAP Boreal

0003CD06 EnchElvenBowBlizzard WEAP Blizzard Bow

0003CD07 EnchSilverWarAxeGhost WEAP Ghost Axe

0003CD08 EnchElvenBowStorm WEAP Storm Bow

0003D7B7 EnchDwarvenDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Fragments

0003D7B8 EnchDwarvenClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Fragments

0003D7B9 EnchDwarvenLongSwordDisWeapon WEAP Longsword of Fragments

0003D7BA EnchDwarvenShortSwordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Fragments

0003D7BB EnchElvenClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Brittleness

0003D7BC EnchElvenDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Brittleness

0003D7BD EnchElvenLongSwordDisWeapon WEAP Long Sword of Brittleness

0003D7BE EnchElvenShortswordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Brittleness

0003D7BF EnchGlassClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Fracturing

0003D7C0 EnchGlassDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Fracturing

0003D7C1 EnchGlassLongswordDisWeapon WEAP Longsword of Fracturing

0003D7C2 EnchGlassShortswordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Fracturing

0003D7C3 EnchEbonyClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Shattering

0003D7C4 EnchEbonyDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Shattering

0003D7C5 EnchEbonyLongswordDisWeapon WEAP Longsword of Shattering

0003D7C6 EnchEbonyShortswordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Shattering

0003D7C7 EnchDaedricClaymoreDisWeapon WEAP Claymore of Disintegration

0003D7C8 EnchDaedricDaggerDisWeapon WEAP Dagger of Disintegration

0003D7C9 EnchDaedricLongswordDisWeapon WEAP Longsword of Disintegration

0003D7CA EnchDaedricShortswordDisWeapon WEAP Shortsword of Disintegration

0003D7CB EnchSilverBattleAxeDispel WEAP Battle Axe of Dispel

0003D7CC EnchSilverClaymoreDispel WEAP Claymore of Dispel

0003D7CD EnchSilverDaggerDispel WEAP Dagger of Dispel

0003D7CE EnchSilverLongswordDispel WEAP Longsword of Dispel

0003D7CF EnchSilverMaceDispel WEAP Mace of Dispel

0003D7D0 EnchSilverShortswordDispel WEAP Shortsword of Dispel

0003D7D1 EnchSilverWarAxeDispel WEAP War Axe of Dispel

0003D7D2 EnchSilverWarhammerDispel WEAP Warhammer of Dispel

0003D7D3 EnchSteelBattleAxeDraEndurance WEAP Battle Axe of Diminishing

0003D7D4 EnchSteelDaggerDraIntelligence WEAP Dagger of Diminishing

0003D7D5 EnchSteelLongswordDraAgility WEAP Longsword of Diminishing

0003D7D6 EnchSteelMaceDraWillpower WEAP Mace of Diminishing

0003D7D7 EnchSteelShortswordDraSpeed WEAP Shortsword of Diminishing

0003D7D8 EnchSteelWarAxeDraLuck WEAP War Axe of Diminishing

0003D7D9 EnchSteelWarhammerDraStrength WEAP Warhammer of Diminishing

0003D7DA EnchIronClaymoreDraFatigue WEAP Claymore of Weariness

0003D7DB EnchIronDaggerDraFatigue WEAP Dagger of Weariness

0003D7DC EnchIronLongswordDraFatigue WEAP Longsword of Weariness

0003D7DD EnchIronShortswordDraFatigue WEAP Shortsword of Weariness

0003D7DE EnchDwarvenClaymoreDraHealth WEAP Claymore of Pain

0003D7DF EnchDwarvenDaggerDraHealth WEAP Dagger of Pain

0003D7E0 EnchDwarvenLongSwordDraHealth WEAP Longsword of Pain

0003D7E1 EnchDwarvenShortSwordDraHealth WEAP Shortsword of Pain

0003D7E2 EnchSilverBattleAxeDraMagicka WEAP Battle Axe of Sapping

0003D7E3 EnchSilverClaymoreDraMagicka WEAP Claymore of Sapping

0003D7E4 EnchSilverDaggerDraMagicka WEAP Dagger of Sapping

0003D7E5 EnchSilverLongswordDraMagicka WEAP Longsword of Sapping

0003D7E6 EnchSilverMaceDraMagicka WEAP Mace of Sapping

0003D7E7 EnchSilverShortswordDraMagicka WEAP Shortsword of Sapping

0003D7E8 EnchElvenClaymoreDraMagicka WEAP Claymore of Depletion

0003D7E9 EnchElvenDaggerDraMagicka WEAP Dagger of Depletion

0003D7EA EnchElvenLongSwordDraMagicka WEAP Long Sword of Depletion

0003D7EB EnchElvenShortswordDraMagicka WEAP Shortsword of Depletion

0003DAE7 EnchIronBattleAxeEmber WEAP Battle Axe of Embers

0003DAE9 EnchIronBowEmber WEAP Bow of Embers

0003DAEA EnchIronClaymoreEmber WEAP Claymore of Embers

0003DAEB EnchIronDaggerEmber WEAP Dagger of Embers

0003DAEC EnchIronLongswordEmber WEAP Longsword of Embers

0003DAED EnchIronMaceEmber WEAP Mace of Embers

0003DAEE EnchIronShortswordEmber WEAP Shortsword of Embers

0003DAEF EnchIronWarAxeEmber WEAP War Axe of Embers

0003DAF0 EnchIronWarhammerEmber WEAP Warhammer of Embers

0003DAF1 EnchSteelBattleAxeEmber WEAP Quality Battle Axe Ember

0003DAF2 EnchSteelBowEmber WEAP Bow of Burning

0003DAF3 EnchSteelClaymoreEmber WEAP Claymore of Burning

0003DAF4 EnchSteelDaggerEmber WEAP Dagger of Burning

0003DAF5 EnchSteelLongswordEmber WEAP Longsword of Burning

0003DAF6 EnchSteelMaceEmber WEAP Mace of Burning

0003DAF7 EnchSteelShortswordEmber WEAP Shortsword of Burning

0003DAF8 EnchSteelWarAxeEmber WEAP War Axe of Burning

0003DAF9 EnchSteelWarhammerEmber WEAP Warhammer of Burning

0003DAFA EnchDwarvenBattleAxeFlame WEAP Battle Axe of Scorching

0003DAFB EnchDwarvenBowFlame WEAP Bow of Scorching

0003DAFC EnchDwarvenClaymoreFlame WEAP Claymore of Scorching

0003DAFD EnchDwarvenDaggerFlame WEAP Dagger of Scorching

0003DAFE EnchDwarvenLongSwordFlame WEAP Longsword of Scorching

0003DAFF EnchDwarvenMaceFlame WEAP Mace of Scorching

0003DB00 EnchDwarvenShortSwordFlame WEAP Shortsword of Scorching

0003DB01 EnchDwarvenWarAxeFlame WEAP War Axe of Scorching

0003DB02 EnchDwarvenWarHammerFlame WEAP Warhammer of Scorching

0003DB03 EnchElvenBattleAxeBlaze WEAP Battle Axe of Flames

0003DB04 EnchElvenBowBlaze WEAP Bow of Flames

0003DB05 EnchElvenClaymoreBlaze WEAP Claymore of Flames

0003DB06 EnchElvenDaggerBlaze WEAP Dagger of Flames

0003DB07 EnchElvenLongSwordBlaze WEAP Long Sword of Flames

0003DB08 EnchElvenMaceBlaze WEAP Mace of Flames

0003DB09 EnchElvenShortswordBlaze WEAP Shortsword of Flames

0003DB0A EnchElvenWarAxeBlaze WEAP War Axe of Flames

0003DB0B EnchElvenWarHammerBlaze WEAP Warhammer of Flames

0003DB0C EnchGlassBattleAxeBlaze WEAP Battle Axe of Fire

0003DB0D EnchGlassBowBlaze WEAP Bow of Fire

0003DB0E EnchGlassClaymoreBlaze WEAP Claymore of Fire

0003DB0F EnchGlassDaggerBlaze WEAP Dagger of Fire

0001DA82 ElfPonytail HAIR Windbound

0003DB10 EnchGlassLongswordBlaze WEAP Longsword of Fire

0001DA83 ElfBraid HAIR Wind Braids

0003DB11 EnchGlassMaceBlaze WEAP Mace of Fire

0003DB12 EnchGlassShortswordBlaze WEAP Shortsword of Fire

0003DB13 EnchGlassWarAxeBlaze WEAP War Axe of Fire

0003DB14 EnchGlassWarHammerBlaze WEAP Warhammer of Fire

0003DB15 EnchEbonyBattleAxeScorch WEAP Battle Axe of the Blaze

0003DB16 EnchEbonyBowScorch WEAP Bow of the Blaze

0003DB17 EnchEbonyClaymoreScorch WEAP Claymore of the Blaze

0003DB18 EnchEbonyDaggerScorch WEAP Dagger of the Blaze

0003DB19 EnchEbonyLongswordScorch WEAP Longsword of the Blaze

0003DB1A EnchEbonyMaceScorch WEAP Mace of the Blaze

0003DB1B EnchEbonyShortswordScorch WEAP Shortsword of the Blaze

0003DB1C EnchEbonyWarAxeScorch WEAP War Axe of the Blaze

0003DB1D EnchEbonyWarHammerScorch WEAP Warhammer of the Blaze

0003DB1E EnchDaedricBattleAxeScorch WEAP Battle Axe of the Inferno

0003DB1F EnchDaedricBowScorch WEAP Bow of the Inferno

0003DB20 EnchDaedricClaymoreScorch WEAP Claymore of the Inferno

0003DB21 EnchDaedricDaggerScorch WEAP Dagger of the Inferno

0003DB22 EnchDaedricLongswordScorch WEAP Longsword of the Inferno

0003DB23 EnchDaedricMaceScorch WEAP Mace of the Inferno

0003DB24 EnchDaedricShortswordScorch WEAP Shortsword of the Inferno

0003DB25 EnchDaedricWarAxeScorch WEAP War Axe of the Inferno

0003DB26 EnchDaedricWarHammerScorch WEAP Warhammer of the Inferno

0003DB73 EnchIronClaymoreShiver WEAP Claymore of Frost

0003DB74 EnchIronDaggerShiver WEAP Dagger of Frost

0003DB75 EnchIronLongswordShiver WEAP Longsword of Frost

0003DB76 EnchIronMaceShiver WEAP Mace of Frost

0003DB77 EnchIronShortswordShiver WEAP Shortsword of Frost

0003DB78 EnchIronWarAxeShiver WEAP War Axe of Frost

0003DB79 EnchIronWarhammerShiver WEAP Warhammer of Frost

0003DB7A EnchSteelBattleAxeShiver WEAP Quality Battle Axe Shiver

0003DB7B EnchSteelBowShiver WEAP Bow of Numbing

0003DB7C EnchSteelClaymoreShiver WEAP Claymore of Numbing

0003DB7D EnchSteelDaggerShiver WEAP Dagger of Numbing

0003DB7E EnchSteelLongswordShiver WEAP Longsword of Numbing

0003DB7F EnchSteelMaceShiver WEAP Mace of Numbing

0003DB80 EnchSteelShortswordShiver WEAP Shortsword of Numbing

0003DB81 EnchSteelWarAxeShiver WEAP War Axe of Numbing

0003DB82 EnchSteelWarhammerShiver WEAP Warhammer of Numbing

0003DB8F EnchIronBattleAxeShiver WEAP Battle Axe of Frost

0003E9AE Dremora2KynvalGreaves ARMO Dremora Kynval Greaves

0003E9AF Dremora3KynreeveBoots ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Boots

0003E9B0 Dremora3KynreeveCuirass ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Cuirass

0003E9B1 Dremora3KynreeveGreaves ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Greaves

0003E9B2 Dremora3KynreeveShield ARMO Dremora Kynreeve Shield

0003E9B3 Dremora4KynmarcherBoots ARMO Dremora Kynmarcher Boots

0003E9B4 Dremora4KynmarcherCuirass ARMO Dremora Kynmarcher Cuirass

0003E9B5 Dremora4KynmarcherGreaves ARMO Dremora Kynmarcher Greaves

0003E9B6 Dremora5MarkynazBoots ARMO Dremora Markynaz Boots

0003E9B7 Dremora5MarkynazCuirass ARMO Dremora Markynaz Cuirass

0003E9B8 Dremora5MarkynazGreaves ARMO Dremora Markynaz Greaves

0003E9B9 Dremora0ChurlBoots ARMO Dremora Churl Boots

0003E9BA Dremora1CaitiffBoots ARMO Dremora Caitiff Boots

0003E9BB Dremora2KynvalBoots ARMO Dremora Kynval Boots

0003E9BC Dremora0ChurlGreaves ARMO Dremora Churl Greaves

0003E9BD Dremora0ChurlCuirass ARMO Dremora Churl Cuirass

0003E9BE Dremora1CaitiffCuirass ARMO Dremora Caitiff Cuirass

0003E9BF Dremora1CaitiffGreaves ARMO Dremora Caitiff Greaves

0003E9C0 Dremora1CaitiffShield ARMO Dremora Caitiff Shield

0003E9C1 Dremora2KynvalCuirass ARMO Dremora Kynval Cuirass

0003E9C2 DremoraMace WEAP Dremora Mace

0003E9C3 DremoraLongSword WEAP Dremora Longsword

0003E9C4 DremoraClaymore WEAP Dremora Claymore

(posslal Lavrinčík Vojta "DJ KMOCH")


Pokud si chcete vydělat docela slušnou hromádku peněz - jděte do arény a staňte se bojovníkem. Že to není nic lehkého porazit většinou mnohonásobně silnější nepřátele? Pokud máte dobrý luk nebo útočná kouzla, můžete zkusit můj malý trik : normálně se přihlaste na zápas, běžte do vstupu pro gladiátory a jakmile se spustí brána, utíkejte rychle vlevo (možná i vpravo) a vyskočte na takový ten sloup, zkuste se dostat co nejvýš. No a jakmile tam budete, přijde na řadu luk, nebo kouzla - mě osobně se osvědčila kouzla Vyvolat Zombíka (hrál jsem to v češtině) a Ohnivá koule. Tímto způsobem jsem se lehko stal šampionem. Horší to je, když máte proti sobě lučištníka nebo mága, ale i ti se dají porazit vhodnou kombinací kouzel a útoku přímo.

Tip na úprk:

Pokud se chcete rychle dostat z velké výšky (např. z věže) bez ztráty zdraví, jde to tímto způsobem: pokud víte, že nahoře něco číhá a vy nevíte co a nechcete zemřít, přistavte si pod věž koně. Až půjdete nahoru a přepadne vás třeba horda kostlivců, skočte dolů a těsně před zemí klikěte na koně (jako že chcete nasednout). Váš avatar dopadne na zem a hned nasedne na koně bez       ztráty HP.

(poslal Zoubek Michal "M@jkee!)

Chyba :

Chyba v cheatu ressurect. Zkoušel jsem ho totiž ve hře a nefunguje. Zjištoval jsem tedy tento cheat na jiných stránkách a zjistil jsem, že jeho zprávné a funkční znění je resurrect - tedy jen s jedním "s".

(poslal Waasha Michal)

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