Děkujeme Vám, že máte zájem stahovat soubor:
Vyčkejte prosím, až uplyne odpočet, poté můžete začít stahovat:
A. Úvod
Hra Negotiator je freeware flashfun hra, ktorú nájdete na stránke :
http://freehry.doupe.cz. V tejto hre ste elitný policajný vyjednávač, ktorý ma za úlohu presvedčiť váš cieľ, aby neurobil to, čo práve zamýšla. Možno sa to nezdá, ale Negotiator je veľmi kvalitná hra aj napriek tomu, že je v angličtine. Pre tých, ktorý nevedia po anglicky, alebo pre tých, ktorý nevedia ako doviesť rozhovor do úspešného konca, je im venovaný tento návod. Čo sa týka ovládania, celý rozhovor prebieha za stláčania smerových šípok doľava, dole, doprava. Ale teraz už samotný návod.
B. Návod
B.1 Samovrah na streche mrakodrapu
1) Fine day, isn´t it ?
2) Just some fresh air...Didn´t known that was a crime around here !
3) What´s your name ?
4) Hey, Wardner ...is that any relation to the rich crook ?
5) So what´s the story ?
6) So I guess he´s the smarter one.
7) And yet you are standing on the building ledge ...
8) And leaving them is going to bring it back ?
9) What are you going to do now ?
10) That´s gonna be tough.
B.2 Bankový lupič
1) Come on, what are you gonna achieve by doing all this ?
2) Money? For what? To use on the run?
3) So... You need the money to pay for your drug addiction?
4) Righteous? Me? Hell no. I´ve done some bad things in desperate times.
5) Suppose they agree to your terms. Then what ?
6) You´re pretty honorable for a bank robber.
7) He seems like a sensible person.
8) Do I detect some resentment?
9) You can still walk from this.
10) It´s never too late to do the right thing. That´s what My father taught me!
B.3 Únosca
1) What are you condition ?
2) Do you realise who you´re dealing with?
3)So why the high profile kidnapping?
4) Right. It´s also where added police security and media attention is.
5) Okay, here´s the deal. Let the girl go, and we´ll make sure you get the money.
6) Don´t make this harder then it already is.
7) Can we at least talk to the girl to know if she´s alright?
8) Yeah I get it.
9) You´re not funny.
10) You´re a fine piece of work.
B.4 Výsluch teroristu
1) You realise that you are putting people´s lives in jeopardy?
2) And what shopping mail would that be?
3) You thing this is a game?
4) And what do we do with this ´riddle´?
5) So how do you want to do this ?
6) I don´t have all day you know.
7) Listen, we don´t have much time. Now what do you want to do this ?
8) They all share the same last name, Bell.
9) Are there any more ?
10) The name publish.
C. Záver
Dúfam, že sa vám hra páčila a že bol tento návod aspoň trochu užitočný :)