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L. A. Law: The Computer Game - cheat

Adamski, Alex - Dept. of Motor Vehicles 642-9127

Alpine Photo Supply 787-1587

American Institute of Typography 655-1989

Anderson, Michael 829-4492

Barnton, Sgt. L. - Police Department 621-6703

Becker, Arnold 726-0420

Bennet, Christine 622-3489

Berrant, Oscar 655-3579

Birelli, M. 251-7721

Borson, Frank 655-1989

Browning, Stuart - Typologist consultant 977-3128

Cal. Dept. of Corrections 334-7642

Campbell, Major R. 491-3196

Carruthers, Lt. Daniel 674-9002

Chambers, Al 553-4375

Child Protective Services 641-3028

Clemmons, Zoe - D.A. 442-7105

Cypress Heights City Clerk 891-3419

Donner, Rovert 442-0076

Flaherty, Jake 621-3129

Flandry, Joe 661-2891

Forentello, Anthony 672-3343

Hamilton, Nancy 584-0281

Hamilton, Tony 532-2771

Harrison, Averel 971-2162

Hoskins, Amanda 767-5349

Jeffries, Kimberly 849-2105

Jamison, Craig 874-3200

Kelly, Marcia - Phone company 455-2166

Lacey, Sean 991-9135

Langston, Alex 655-3127

Lawrence, Daron 995-4439

Lehman, Douglas 635-0822

Lorester, Angela - Courthouse 552-4377

Marcellanus, Eli 882-7144

Medical Examiner - Dr Steven Wakeland 467-2300

Micheals, Sandra 631-8114

McClaren, Cpl. J. 992-3141

O'Donnell, Mike 882-4562

Plummer, Gail 431-0076

Renald, Samuel 655-7934

Rextor Avionics 655-4733

Richardson, Ariel 253-1847

Rolings, Jason 655-2107

Shackleford, Bruce & Colleen 482-3763

Solano, Jaime 323-4489

S. Cal. Bus. Journal 822-3249

Southland Teen 621-3129

Spanozi, Joseph L. - Private Investigator 975-2193

Stevens, John 871-3461

Thurrow, Bruce 767-5349

Torrnace, Margaret 525-3147

University of Cal. Press 253-1847

UCLA Law School Admissions 254-2110

Valley Clinic, Dr Joe Nelson 475-3800

Valley Star 431-0076

Wells, Jeremy 631-2131

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